
A Telegram bot that provides data and statistics about Serie A, the italian soccer league.

Data by

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Try @serieabot

If you want to play with my bot just add @serieabot to your telegram contacts and fire some commands.

This is a list of available commands:

  • ranking: actual ranking
  • matchday: results/scheduling
  • players: team’s players
  • player: player details
  • help: details about commands

Run your own bot

In order to run the bot you have to provide:

Then you have to build and run your container:

$ make docker-run BOT_TOKEN="<your bot token>" FOOTBALL_DATA_TOKEN="<your api token>"`

Or if you want to run your bot in background mode:

$ make docker-deploy BOT_TOKEN="<your bot token>" FOOTBALL_DATA_TOKEN="<your api token>"